Saturday, October 15, 2011

Coupons, Coupons, Coupons

This year I have decided to do away with my treasure chest.  In tight economic times, I needed to cut back on the amount of money I am pouring into my classroom.  The treasure chest idea is a constant staple in almost every classroom, and I am not one to follow everyone else :)  I decided, therefore, that I would implement a coupon system in my classroom.  In one of my earlier posts I decided to use a token system in my classroom for good behavior.  I have used this, and it has worked tremendously.  In addition to the ideas suggested in The Cornerstone book (pulling a token whenever you need a helper), I have coupons I give 10 children every Friday.  I choose 10 tokens out of the beautiful token bag, and each child with the corresponding number get to choose a coupon they would like to have.  The coupons I use are as follows:
1. Silly socks (take your shoes off for the day and only wear socks)
2. Hooray for Hats (wear your favorite hat in the classroom) 
3. Homework Pass
4. Show and Tell 
5. Read Aloud to the class
6. Teachers Desk (sit at the teachers desk for a day)
7. Fluffy Friend (bring a stuffed animal to class)
**Most of these coupons were not my original ideas.  I cannot find the website I got the ideas from, so if you know or have seen it before, please send a comment to me so I can list the correct author by name. 
This has worked fantastically for me this year.  My students are tripping over themselves trying to earn tokens.  They earn tokens for doing the right thing, helping others, working together nicely, etc.  I am very pleased with the token and coupon system, and my kids haven't even missed the treasure chest!

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