Well...it has definitely been a LONG time since I posted on my blog. I have really enjoyed my time off this summer, and I have not thought about school at all since last week really. Since I have been away for so long, I wanted to offer a couple of freebies I created for my classroom. I have a pirate theme going on, and I created some number and color posters to go along with my new theme. Just click on the picture and away you go to them. Enjoy!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Oops...here are some freebies!
Hey fellow bloggers. Hope your Wednesday was good...I know mine was because only 2 days left until the weekend :) I was doing some things on my blog, and I realized that some of the freebies I posted earlier in the year were not there anymore. Not really sure why, but I am going to repost them for next year. One is for Halloween, and the other is for Valentine's Day. Not very useful now, but download and keep them for next year...that is what I do with half the amazing things I find on other people's blogs. So, click on the picture, and you will find them!
compound words,
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Nouns of Fun!

Earlier this week I introduced the concept of nouns to my students. To begin the lesson, I read aloud the book Chicken In The City by Liza Charlesworth. It is a great book to use when you are teaching nouns to your students. I read the book once just to introduce it to my students. I then introduced the concept of nouns by discussing with them that nouns are all around us. They are people, places and things that are in our world around us. After our discussion, I read the book again, and we stopped after every page or so and created an anchor chart using the nouns seen in the story. My students LOVED this activity, and our final creation is now hanging in our room for them to refer to for the rest of the year!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Great Technology Blog
Hey fellow bloggers. I have the wonderful opportunity to attend the NCTIES conference in Raleigh, NC today. As I'm listening to the keynote speaker, he has informed us of a wonderful website/blog that I have not heard of. It is called "Free Technology for Teachers", and it was created by Richard Byrne. This is an amazing site you can follow that gives FREE resources and lesson plans that incorporate technology into your classroom. Another great resource to use (that's FREE) I have found is Tagxedo. It is a very neat website that allows students to make word clouds about a topic. You can pick the shape you would like your word cloud to be in. Some students at my school just made some whales that were fantastic!!! I strongly recommend you check them out!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Odd and Even Freebie!
Hey fellow bloggers. I've created a little odd and even game for the kiddos in my classroom. I needed a center game for them to play so I created this game which they really seem to enjoy! Hope you can use it, and if so, leave a lovely comment (as you know how much we ALL love those :)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Valentine fact family freebie!!
Hello all...long time, no blog! I've been so busy at school and home I haven't had time to check my blog, much less create something new! I am super excited I was finally able to quickly log on and leave a little freebie I created for my lovelies to use next week. Here it is...hope you can use it.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
100th Day Freebie!!!
So I am super excited to see the 100th day of school come next Friday. In lieu of that, I have created a quick 100 words on the 100th day activity. I created this based upon some of the concepts we have been learning about in our classroom. Hope you can use it.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
A Day in My Shoes Linky Party
So, Mrs. Klohn over at Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher has created a brand new linky party that is super cool. I haven't done it before now because I've been too busy being nosy and reading other people's posts on the linky party that I haven't had time to do my own...HA! So now's my time to link up...
Here's a typical day for me in second grade...
5:45am--My alarm goes off the first time.
5:55am--My alarm goes off the second time
6:05am--My alarm goes off for the third time...I better get up!! I get ready quietly in my bathroom, as not to wake my children (who drive me crazy with whining when up too early because they are NOT morning people) and my husband (who works until 3am).
6:50am--Get my children up.
7:00am--Target time of leaving my house...but we are usually at least 5 minutes late (If I did not hit my snooze alarm two times, this would not happen :) I also grab whatever is portable to eat in the car as we are racing down the road.
7:10am--Drop my youngest daughter off at daycare.
7:20am--Arrive at school and clock in. My oldest daughter, who is in kindergarten, usually decides she didn't like what I gave her to eat in the car for breakfast (even though she chose it), so instead of arguing with her...remember she is not a morning person...she runs to the cafeteria to get breakfast to bring back to my room.
7:30am--My students arrive. They unpack, make a lunch choice on the SMART Board, copy homework into their agendas, do a math problem for the day, and then start on their weekly morning work page.
7:50am--Late bell rings, and the morning show begins.
8:00am--Phonics lesson time (I have an assistant in the room for an hour now...that's the only time my assistant is in the room during the day.)
8:20am--Calendar on the SMART Board
9:45am--Snack and bathroom break
10:00am--Whole group reading activity
10:30am--Literacy centers and guided reading groups (I have a 'helper' for an hour and a half during this time to help with groups. I am so thankful for this!)
11:45am--Recess outside
12:20pm--Lunch time!
1:00pm--Science or social studies time depending on what unit we are on.
1:35pm--Writer's Workshop
2:10pm--Pack up
2:20pm--Car riders dismiss and ALL the bus riders of second grade come to my room...which is like 60 or 70...needless to say it is a CRAZY 10 minutes!
2:30pm--Bus riders dismissed
**Every Tuesday we have specials classes (library, etc.) for an hour in the afternoon, and on Wednesdays, we have 2 hours of planning time each week.
2:45pm--Some days I have a meeting at school during this time...but other days I find myself talking to other teachers instead of working in my room.
3:05pm--My day is officially over and I can clock out, but who really leaves by this time on a daily basis??? I hardly ever leave. Lots of days, espeically if the hubs is working, I'll work until 4 or 5.
4:30pm--Pick up my daughters from daycare and after school care.
4:45pm--I'm home, but now I've got to figure out what to do for dinner. While figuring out what we'll eat, I'll look at my daughter's daily folder from school, finish homework with her if it didn't get done in after school care, and sign any papers that need to be signed. I go ahead and ask her if she wants to eat lunch at school tomorrow so I will be prepared to fix her lunch later or not.
6:00pm--Hopefully I've figured out dinner. If the hubs is at home, I really fix dinner...if not, we have a quick heat up meal in the oven or left overs. (He's on a 4 day on, 4 day off schedule, and I refuse to fix a large meal for two small children and myself...takes up too much time and money!)
6:30pm--Clean up kitchen and perhaps do a load of laundry if the day has gone by smoothly!
7:00pm--Give the girls a bath and get them dressed for the next day...yes, I said the next day. I am the sole person to get the non-morning people up, and one way I tackle this without too many arguments is to already have them dressed the night before...it also cuts down on laundry because they don't wear pajamas too much! I know you think I'm crazy, but anything to help this momma get things done :)
7:30pm--Give the girls a snack before bed, brush teeth, read a bed time story, etc.
8:00pm--Put the girls to bed and then take a bath myself. Pack lunches and set everything on the kitchen counter I will need for the next day at school! I also usually wind up putting my girls to bed two or three times during this time because they keep getting up for random reasons.
8:30pm--Time to sit down and relax...watch television (Bachelor, Big Bang Theory, Hart of Dixie, How I Met Your Mother, Carolina Hurricanes games, etc.), work on the computer, read a book, etc.
10:30pm--Crawl into bed, do my devotions, click on the television and then fall asleep while trying to stay awake watching HGTV.
Well...that makes me tired just thinking about it. So glad we have tomorrow off so I can recuperate from thinking about my normal day :)
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